Monday 17 February 2020

10 by 10 by 10 Creation Stories

What came before?
Who or what?
To what end?
A tremendous creature laid an egg
In a battle two giant creatures smashed things apart
Pure Light
A force for order pulled the elements together
Pure Darkness
The first person awoke
Two siblings competed with one another
To be the best
An unlikely love between two different beings
Unstoppable creativity
A great featureless plain
A benevolent spiritual patron
As a weapon
The eternal forest
The trickster stole something
A superior being took pity on lesser beings
Endless ocean
A collision of continents
To escape or set right an injustice
The sun-scorched desert
A gift from the heavens
To escape destruction

Three examples of creation stories from the table above:

442 Pure Darkness, The first person awoke, Survival

Before the first people woke up from the great sleep there was only eternal night. As the people woke up with the dawn of the world they found that their land was dangerous and full of predators. Many of the first people fell off cliffs, died of cold, or were eaten by great beasts before the greatest of them discovered ways of shaping the world to their needs. Stone spearheads were used to slay the beasts and the people put on the claws of the beasts to help them climb the cliffs, and wore their skins to keep warm in the night. The first fears were defeated by the dawn of the people's ingenuity.

931 Endless Ocean, A force for order pulled the elements together, Understanding

A vast stormy sea was all that there was before the grandfather of woodpecker convinced the great fiery mountain to climb high up out of the waves. The grandfather of woodpecker had found some seeds floating on the currents and had rescued them from being swallowed by the ravenous fish. He planted the seeds in the black sand of the fiery mountain's shores and trees sprouted up. This land would become our home, the first land born out of the ocean by the strength of the fiery mountain, and the woodpecker's need for trees to peck. Thus it is that we understand that there is a place for all things, even if we must work hard and get help from volcanos and seas so we can peck at wood.

087 The sun-scorched desert, A trickster stole something, As a weapon

Before there was any green in the world the sun burned down upon the earth and turned the mountains to sand. One desert spirit was tired of being hot and dreamed of drinking the clouds, so they made for themselves a tower of sand and rock. For countless centuries the spirit worked at their tower, forever being called silly by the other desert spirits for wanting to change the reality of endless burning heat. Eventually, the tower reached up to the sky and the spirits of wind and cloud spoke kindly to the desert spirit but warned them that they will have to blow down the tower for bringing the earth up to the sky. The desert spirit explained that the earth had been where it always was and asked if the wind and clouds were confused to be flying so low. This pushed the wind and clouds higher and higher until they crashed into the sun. The clouds burst and the winds were scattered bringing rain and lightning. The desert spirit's tower crashed back to the ground, but where there was once desert now was the first oasis and they felt the rain on their face. Having been up high in the sky the desert spirit had become immune to the effects of wind and cloud, but the other desert spirits weren't. For calling the tower builder silly they were melted by rain and buffeted by wind, no longer the powerful spirits that they were, they must follow the commands of the great spirit that climbed. That great spirit became our protector and even now you can hear their laughter booming across the sky whenever there is lightning, reminding all the other spirits of their power.

If you use this table and have any feedback, or want to share your experience of using it, please email them to

Code for the generator was created using the tools at

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